Meeting to consider SB 958 and SB 964; and HB 1284

Senate Transportation Committee

Tuesday, October 24, 2023 | 11 a.m.

Room 8E-B

Draft Agenda

1. S.B. 958 Langerholc Designates the Trooper First Class Brad Wilson Honorary Bridge in Clearfield

2. S.B. 964 Brown Designates the Schyler Herman Memorial Roundabout in Monroe County.

Amendment No. #### Brown Clarifies the location and signage of the designation.

3. H.B. 1284 Neilson Authorizes the automated enforcement of traffic violations for: 1) Overtaking
a stopped school bus, 2) Speeding on Roosevelt Boulevard or any street in
Philadelphia, and 3) Speeding in school zones in Philadelphia. This bill also
creates new signage requirements for Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE)
in active work zones under the jurisdiction of PennDOT and the Turnpike
Commission, without removing the sunset date.

Amendment No. 2636 Langerholc Provides a “gut-and-replace”, and only eliminates the sunset dates to create
permanent programs for ASE in active work zones and Roosevelt Boulevard

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