HARRISBURG – Sen. Wayne Langerholc, Jr. (R-35), chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee, convened the first voting meeting of the 2023-24 Legislative Session with legislation that reforms the gas tax, supports Pennsylvania’s farmers and honors our hometown heroes.
The Senate Transportation Committee voted today to advance the following bills sponsored by Langerholc:
- Senate Bill 35 stops the automatic gas tax increase for 2023, and permanently sets the average wholesale price at $2.99 per gallon to end future tax hikes on working families.
- Senate Bill 121 dedicates gas tax revenues to road and bridge safety projects, while ensuring the Pennsylvania State Police receive reliable, sustainable funding from sources beyond the susceptible Motor License Fund.
- Senate Bill 95 cuts bureaucratic red tape and enables Pennsylvania’s farmers to compete in the on-demand, at-home market of goods delivery by dually authorizing the same farm vehicle plate to transport agricultural goods to businesses and places of residence.
- Senate Bill 96 and Senate Bill 122 commemorate the selfless acts of service members from Cambria County who courageously fought in World War II and the Vietnam War, respectively, for our freedom.
“Today’s voting meeting sets crucial transportation policy, which is urgent to address President Biden’s failed energy policies triggering higher fuel prices. My Senate Bill 35 will cut the gas tax before hardworking families must pay the second highest gas tax in the nation. At a time when our constituents are faced with rising costs at the pump, grocery store and utility bills, no elected official should be voting against this legislation,” said Langerholc.
“As a former Assistant District Attorney, I understand and support the critical need to fully fund our state police, but funding needs to come from a sustainable funding source such as the General Fund. By moving Senate Bill 121 early in this session, I am making it clear it needs to be part of the overall budget conversation to ensure the Motor License Fund will be used for its intended purpose.
“I worked hard to prioritize my Senate Bill 95 for the 2023 Farm Show happening this week in Harrisburg. My cost-saving legislation will inspire new business opportunities for Pennsylvania’s farmers by removing the ‘red tape’ that restricted a farm-to-kitchen table service. Agriculture is Pennsylvania’s number one industry, and my legislation will grow our agricultural economy for future generations,” said Langerholc.
“Senate Bills 96 and 122 are a small token of our gratitude for the brave service members from Cambria County who fearlessly entered foreign wars to grant our constitutional rights and liberties. These memorial designations will forever serve as a reminder to the beloved family members and motorists alike of the pride we have in our hometown heroes,” said Langerholc.
Nolan Ritchie, Sen. Langerholc
Gwenn Dando, Chief of Staff, Sen. Langerholc 717-787-5400 (Office)